Friday 29 April 2011

West and Oil: A Royal Big Day

West and Oil: A Royal Big Day

A Royal Big Day

With a lot going on around the World; Mudslide in Brazil, Tornado in America, War in Libya and total unrest in some other parts of the Arab world, whether on the Radio or Television set, Newspaper , Magazine or the Internet, the news everyday gives us a picture of a world full of sad occurrences. The World at large craved for a moment like this, at least to have something to rejoice about and take our minds away from these very many ugly incidences.

I join millions of well-wishers around the globe to congratulate the Royal Family, Middleton Family and United Kingdom as a whole for this once-in-a-lifetime experience, and also wish the couple a blissful married life

Colonialism and the World's Problems: My view on David Cameron's Response to World's Pro...

Colonialism and the World's Problems: My view on David Cameron's Response to World's Pro...: "'Answering questions from students in Pakistan on Tuesday, the UK prime minister said: 'As with so many of the problems of the world, we are..."

Wednesday 27 April 2011

West and Oil: Arab Leaders: Enough is enough

West and Oil: Arab Leaders: Enough is enough: "Peaceful protests that started late last year across the Arab world have now turned to unimaginable massacre in the land, civil war in Libya..."

Arab Leaders: Enough is enough

Peaceful protests that started late last year across the Arab world have now turned to unimaginable massacre in the land, civil war in Libya, indiscriminate shootings and killings of unarmed civilians in Syria and Yemen, disappearances and torture of Protesters in Bahrain, Jordan et al.

It is high time, the Arab Leaders come to terms with the reality that the same people they have been ruling for more than three decades are saying "ENOUGH is ENOUGH". Even though I do not totally agree to external military intervention in a domestic uprising, but I am of the opinion that the barbaric treatment of the Arab citizen have escalated beyond  an Arab solution. The United Nations need to do more than imposing sanctions and no fly zone in Libya, and harsh condemnation is not enough to force the Syrian and Yemeni's governments to stop their unjust killing.

We should all support the United Nations to do everything humanly possible to stop these autocratic rulers who have bled their societies dry, used blood and iron to suppress dissent, and neglected the hopes and aspirations of their citizen  


Thursday 7 April 2011

Nigeria, A failed State or State in the making?

 The question is " is NO synonymous to NIGERIA? My reasons are: 
Every issue in Nigeria has a "NO" before it
"NO Electricity"
"NO Water"
"NO Good roads"
..."NO Accommodation system"
"NO good governance"
"NO Security"
"NO credible elections"
"NO Jobs"
"NO Food"
.......No, No, No and ..........
Therefore, "NO NIGERIA", our leaders are having sleepless nights and trying so hard not to make it work, we pumped so many billions of naira on electricity and yet no light, we have to make do with individual generating sets to supply electricity for personal uses.
Only few residents of the federal capital city know what "PIPE BORNE WATER" is, i don't think water corporation (the arm of government that oversees and controls the distribution of clean and portable water) is in existence in many of our states, where they do exist, they are practically obsolete because no more allocation from the federal government.
Oil, yes Oil, we have it in abundance, but it is more of a curse than blessing, considering the militancy, environmental degredation, corruption, kidnapping and so many vices, we are being impoverished instead of been enriched, i will say it is a black curse and not black gold.
Let's ask ourselves, why can't we get things done right the first time, take the issue of our various leaders' visions for instance, during Obasanjo era, it was "VISION 2010", we (the general masses) achieved nothing, absolutely nothing from the so-called vision 2010, only a litle fragment of the nation (the rich) further enriched their pockets, then Obasanjo left, and a new government came in and introduced "VISION 2020" but later changed it to "VISION 202020" or "202020". Since, we heard and read about huge sum of money been earmarked and spent on this said project, and yet one can not boldly say we are feeling the impact and we are more than half way to year 2020. One would expect that by now we would have a very clear picture of our destination, that is, a land that has some milk and honey if flowing with it would be some kind of wishful thinking.
Do we even need to talk about the General Elections? What "giant" are we if we cannot organise and hold elections as at when due? Smaller countries like Ghana have done so, even troubled countries like Sudan were able to organise a referendum which gave birth to a new Country. Yet we claim to be "the giant of Africa" Our leaders are not doing what is expected of them; they are only concerned about their pockets. Their election promises are what we've heard before, yet things are the way they were. Where are we really heading to?
"I leave that question for my opponent to answer"

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Libyan Uprising and the west intervention

It didn't come as a surprise when I read that the Libyan eastern port of Tobruk under the rebel control reopened and one tanker bound for China was being loaded ( This goes to confirm that the major reason behind western coalition intervention is nothing beyond profiting from the huge oil deposit under libyan soil, we should not forget in a rush the two gulf wars, whereby the two Bushes led the world to belief there was a just cause to fight the war, term like WMD was given to decieve the world to oust Saddam, in Libya, the only reason needed was Gaddafi's killing of his own people.

The West will go under any guise to protect their own selfish interest, the thirst for oil always drive them to unleash their arsenal and go into war with any country. The superpower they are, and they always remind us of that, it is always about Oil, more Oil and Power.