Wednesday 6 April 2011

Libyan Uprising and the west intervention

It didn't come as a surprise when I read that the Libyan eastern port of Tobruk under the rebel control reopened and one tanker bound for China was being loaded ( This goes to confirm that the major reason behind western coalition intervention is nothing beyond profiting from the huge oil deposit under libyan soil, we should not forget in a rush the two gulf wars, whereby the two Bushes led the world to belief there was a just cause to fight the war, term like WMD was given to decieve the world to oust Saddam, in Libya, the only reason needed was Gaddafi's killing of his own people.

The West will go under any guise to protect their own selfish interest, the thirst for oil always drive them to unleash their arsenal and go into war with any country. The superpower they are, and they always remind us of that, it is always about Oil, more Oil and Power.

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