Tuesday 12 July 2011

Ali Abdullah Saleh: The two faces of a ‘KILLER’

President Saleh of Yemen

recent picture of President Saleh

Karma is an inevitable fate in human existence, whether you are good or bad, your reward/nemesis will always catch up with you. I hardly could recognize President Saleh the other day on CNN. I believed not in his wildest imagination, could he ever thought or perceived what happened to him. The untouchable turned vulnerable, would never have believed (even a few moments before the attack) that any harm could get into one hundred yards of him, not to talk of getting to him.

 The rage I feel since the beginning of this ruthless killing of harmless protesters, and the compassion for the plight of Yemeni women and children have been so overwhelming that I have no sympathy for this man that has made many fatherless, widow, homeless; many souls have bled for just wishing for a better future. Wishing him quick recovery or condemning the attack on him, will be a slap on all the lost souls and the entire Yemeni citizens clamoring for a change in government.

But I am baffled by how the international community is treating this man Saleh, he is being treated like a statesman and somebody that should be respected. If we continue this way, others like him will not see anything wrong in killing their citizens. He should have been given the same treatment as Charles Taylor, Radovan Karadzic and the likes. This should be a lesson to the likes of Assad of Syria, Kaddafi of Libya. 


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