Thursday 2 June 2011

Geoffrey Taylor!!! An opportunist of ‘weak’ International Law

Who is he anyway? To some quarters, he is just Professor Geoffrey Taylor, to some others, he is Lord Stubbington. But to most people he is an adorable and successful business man who established Shell companies. But investigation reveals that this man, Lord, Professor, Sir or whatever, Geoffrey Taylor is linked to various atrocities around the world, dirty business like arms dealing, connections with Mexican drug Lords and Russia’s largest tax fraud et al and yet he has “committed no offence” because of laxities in International Law.( He, together with his cohorts, has exploited the lapses in the laws of the land to their benefit, amassing wealth and properties at the expense of the people.

Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and many more legal terms that allow a nation to operate independently are hampering the true course of justice to take effect and catch up with the likes of Geoffrey. I can’t understand how someone can be linked to so many atrocities and yet he is still walking a free man.

Could anything be more substantial than this: linking him with the Mexican drug cartel? In my opinion, that is enough to put him and his cohorts behind bars. The world Police (The US) and the international community should do more than just putting his name on the papers that would eventually end on the shelf.

We need to make our laws stricter and allow Interpol to operate freely without impediment s, getting rid of people like this will mean a cleaner and better world.

1 comment:

  1. so it is true The UNTOUCHABLE still exists on earth
