Thursday 16 June 2011

Private Manning: America practice what you preach

“Private Manning is in solitary confinement at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Va. For one hour a day, he is allowed to walk around a room in shackles. He is forced to remove all his clothes every night. And every morning he is required to stand outside his cell, naked, until he passes inspection and is given his clothes back.I cannot believe this is happening in a free society like the United State of America, a nation that preaches democracy, respect of fundamental human right, freedom of speech, and respect for the rule of law to the world. A country that prides itself as the best in everything in the world.

I had erroneously believed that this type of treatment can only be heard of from third world countries of Africa and Asia. Putting a not-yet-convicted man behind bars for more than 48 hours is a crime against humanity, let alone being shackled. This has brought back to life, the gory memories of the slavery era. I thought America under Bush was bad, and that Obama was going to make a difference; but I guess I am wrong. It seems America has lost its values; it is only clinging on to its old glory.

The American government should respect Private Manning’s right to freedom and dignity of the human person, and stop treating him like he is a terrorist. They should also remember that he had served and defended his country when he believed he was fighting a just cause 

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