Tuesday 17 May 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Head: case of the beast within.

Checking his marital profile, (thrice-married father of four), and his reputation with women that earned him a nickname ‘A great Seducer’, one cannot but accept the maid’s story. You know one cannot separate a snail from its shell, no matter your status or position in the society, your true self will always surface. Everyone has a beast within the fleshy confinement of his body, but the way and manner we handle and control it differs. Some people allow it to control them, while some control it by keeping it in check. It takes great maturity to control the beast in you, but when you find pleasure in actively doing immoral acts, you also brace yourself for the ugly consequences.

Great minds are not determined by how great you are in the society or the numbers of laurels you possess, but by your personality and contributions towards the betterment of your fellow human. In my book of great minds and evil minds, Dominique strauss-kahn’s inability to keep his thing under lock and key would place him in the class of  Woody Allen (director/actor), Gary Glitter, (English rock/pop singer) and the likes.

Good thing the judge denies him bail, this will serve as a deterrent to others of his likes and I bet the French electorates know better.

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