Tuesday 24 May 2011

Marisol Valles Garcia: When bravery isn’t enough

It was just like yesterday, on 18th October, 2010, the world over was abound with the news of an extra-ordinary and courageous act of bravery shown by Marisol Valles Garcia, (a young Mexican student of Criminology in her 20’s) in taking up the great responsibility of being the Police Chief of her little town called Praxedis G. Guerrero, Chihuahua, a job many men refused to take. This attracted the international press and she was tagged the ‘BRAVEST WOMAN’ in Mexico

But I was deflated when I read it on cnn.com that she is in the US to seek asylum.(http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/05/23/mexico.female.police.chief/index.html)  But I must commend her effort in trying to change her community, a place where many men had failed and many are running away from. She took up the most deadly and dangerous job in a country impoverished by corrupt Politicians and dangerous drug Cartel, where Drug Lords operate and rule fearlessly, 

 while the Authorities concerned are either too afraid to be involved or are active players in the drug business.
It shall be written in marble that she tried her bit and posterity will judge her accordingly. 

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