Tuesday 31 May 2011

How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning After an Emergency - wikiHow

I believe this could be very helpful: How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning After an Emergency - wikiHow

Friday 27 May 2011

IMF: An Epitome of Racism.

IMF: International Monetary Fund.  An international  body that oversees the global financial system by following the macroeconomic policies of its MEMBER COUNTRIES. From the above statement, I want to believe that all the member states should be evenly and equally represented. But checking through the list of its past leaders, I don’t think the phrase "Racial Equality" exists in their world. Below is a tabulated list of the past IMF Presidents till date

 United States

Due to this inequality, coupled with the many corrupt tyrants we have in Africa, they have been able to under-develop Africa by their various harsh and unfriendly economic policies. Now is the time to give an African or at least a Black Man a chance to be at the helms of affair. Since IMF’s inception, there has never been a black Managing Director; its leadership has always been between the US and few EU states.

African elites should rise up to the occasion and contest for the utmost leadership role in the organisation, IMF should also create an enabling environment for equal participation for all and sundry in the upcoming event. IMF should emulate the UN, and proof its influence is worldwide and not limited to the EU and the US.  

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Marisol Valles Garcia: When bravery isn’t enough

It was just like yesterday, on 18th October, 2010, the world over was abound with the news of an extra-ordinary and courageous act of bravery shown by Marisol Valles Garcia, (a young Mexican student of Criminology in her 20’s) in taking up the great responsibility of being the Police Chief of her little town called Praxedis G. Guerrero, Chihuahua, a job many men refused to take. This attracted the international press and she was tagged the ‘BRAVEST WOMAN’ in Mexico

But I was deflated when I read it on cnn.com that she is in the US to seek asylum.(http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/05/23/mexico.female.police.chief/index.html)  But I must commend her effort in trying to change her community, a place where many men had failed and many are running away from. She took up the most deadly and dangerous job in a country impoverished by corrupt Politicians and dangerous drug Cartel, where Drug Lords operate and rule fearlessly, 

 while the Authorities concerned are either too afraid to be involved or are active players in the drug business.
It shall be written in marble that she tried her bit and posterity will judge her accordingly. 

Thursday 19 May 2011

World Peace Effort

http://lubbockonline.com/world/2011-05-17/around-world. I viewed Obama’s suggestion to the Israelis and the Palestinians to restart the peace talk as a cliché that has lost its flow many, many years ago, I believe the world knows the right thing to do if we really want a meaningful and lasting solution to the Middle East problem. History is aware of the role the world (United Nations) played in solving the problem in Korea, Yugoslavia and just of recent Sudan.
We should know that a peaceful Jerusalem means a peaceful world, because most of the world problems today are in resonance with Middle East problems. Many world leaders have tried and failed to provide a solution to this aged problem because they chose to tread in the direction. In my own opinion, a true solution will have the world as a vocal point, but center round and provide an equitable interest for the Israeli and Palestinian people living on the same land in a world recognised bi-state systems.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

West and Oil: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Head: case of the beas...

West and Oil: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Head: case of the beas...: "Checking his marital profile, ( thrice-married father of four ), and his reputation with women that earned him a nickname ‘A great Seducer’..."

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Head: case of the beast within.

Checking his marital profile, (thrice-married father of four), and his reputation with women that earned him a nickname ‘A great Seducer’, one cannot but accept the maid’s story. You know one cannot separate a snail from its shell, no matter your status or position in the society, your true self will always surface. Everyone has a beast within the fleshy confinement of his body, but the way and manner we handle and control it differs. Some people allow it to control them, while some control it by keeping it in check. It takes great maturity to control the beast in you, but when you find pleasure in actively doing immoral acts, you also brace yourself for the ugly consequences.

Great minds are not determined by how great you are in the society or the numbers of laurels you possess, but by your personality and contributions towards the betterment of your fellow human. In my book of great minds and evil minds, Dominique strauss-kahn’s inability to keep his thing under lock and key would place him in the class of  Woody Allen (director/actor), Gary Glitter, (English rock/pop singer) and the likes.

Good thing the judge denies him bail, this will serve as a deterrent to others of his likes and I bet the French electorates know better.

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Monday 16 May 2011

A MOMENT TO INDULGE: Proud to be a fan

One of those moments or days when you could proudly and religiously boast and say: ‘I AM A FAN’ was Saturday 14th May, 2011. Whether you were among the fans and supporters at Wembley, or you were at home with your eyes glued to your TV set, or anywhere else in the world, I am quite sure you had the best moment of your life as a supporter of Manchester City Football Club (MCFC). With the adrenalin level so high that one could feel the taste in one’s mouth, and the heart beating away at an unprecedented rate in response to the tension in the atmosphere, one could hardly be bothered by any other thing around him. It is the feeling you can get only by watching GOOD football.

The needed relief came when Yaya Toure blasted home the goal. The whole team really tried, it was a concerted effort that won us the cup, and this has put a stop to our long years’ drought of silverware. I congratulate every player, the management and staff of our great Club who have been working assiduously for the success of the Club.

Let’s enjoy our moment, let’s walk tall because we deserved it, Man City for life!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Gadhafi: EU immigration dilemma

Before the uprising in the Arab world, EU nations were deliberating with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on how to curb illegal migration into EU states from Africa, allowing Moammar Gadhafi to make a proposal of €5b to curb the flow . Both the Italian navy in collaboration with his Libyan counterpart were doing a joint monitoring of the Mediterranean sea. The picture then was like a case of a loner or an enemy becoming the most sought-after friend. (http://234next.com/csp/cms/
But now there is war in Libya, and the situation is different, Libya is been accused of deliberately unleashing a wave of migrants against Europe in retaliation for the military strikes against the country. (http://www.vancouversun.com/story_print.html?id=4576973&sponsor=). Libya appears to be making good on threats issued at the start of the coalition's bombing campaign, when Moussa Ibrahim, the government spokesman, said the regime would no longer stop sub-Saharan and other refugees from trying to enter Europe by boat.  Nearly 400 boats loaded with illegal immigrants have reached Italy since January. Some do not make it. Italian authorities scoured the Mediterranean yesterday in the hope of finding survivors from a boat that sank in rough seas and high winds on Wednesday, having left the Libyan coast two days earlier.  The tiny island of lampedusa has been stretched to the limit, Some 6,000 migrants - more than the total population of the island - are now living there in makeshift camps.

To ease the tension on facilities there and on Italy as a whole, the Italian government issues a temporary visa to immigrants to move freely within the Schengen bloc. France is not happy with the decision and halted all trains from Italy thereby causing a bitter diplomatic dispute. I can see the dicey situation the EU leaders find themselves, they do not want extra liabilities on their workload, liabilities like overpopulation, high rate of unemployment, high crime rate e. t. c. and also they need  genuine and  convincing reasons to repatriate the immigrants to their war torn Nation. The Italian PM is doing a great job in receiving the immigrants and providing a temporary accommodation for  them across Italy mainland, other EU Leaders, including UK should emulate this humane act, remember this is not only Libya, Africa or Italian's  problem, it is a world problem.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

OBL: Dead or Alive II

The news about his death brought different feelings for many people depending on the side of the divide you find yourself. Chagrin and contempt to a few in the Muslim world (mostly Al-Qaeda and some of his followers/supporters), and to the rest of the world (Americans in general), it brought elation and delight. But the debate on the likelihood of his death heightens tension by the day, more and more people are questioning the ambiguity surrounding his supposed death.

Obama did say something that I quite agree with, he said ‘you will never see Osama walking again on the surface of the earth'. With the height of technology in the world we live, nothing is impossible…………… I reserve my comment. Whether you are a ‘deather’(borrowed from Americans new slangs, if I may or whatever, you will have to believe he is dead because the Americans have said so. I rest my case

Wednesday 4 May 2011

OBL: Dead or Alive

The world was still in the euphoria of the royal wedding when the news started diffusing that American troop might have killed Osama Bin Laden. I turned on my TV set and tuned to Aljazeera, though it was confirmed he had been killed, I was not satisfied. I tuned to BBC, later to CNN, but to my utmost surprise, no station could show us the dead body of Osama, I kept changing the channels to see if I could at least see from any of the foreign station a picture of his dead body, all they keep showing are picture of a room stained with blood, damaged chopper and so on, they even went on to say he’d been buried at sea after they (American soldiers) performed Muslim right.
This raised some questions “WHY THE SECRECY”? Who is hiding who?  From who? What? Is America treating his corpse as classified? I think the world deserve more openness from the American government, I am finding it very difficult to believe he is dead just as I found it difficult to believe he had been eluding the Americans since a decade ago